What stone should the kitchen countertop use? Natural or Quartz stone?

Dustin Le

Dustin Le


What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural stone and Quartz stone when applied to kitchen countertops? Choose carefully because the kitchen countertop is very important because in addition to the aesthetics of the house, it also greatly affects the kitchen inspiration and the health and safety of all family members.

   The kitchen is the source of delicious meals, the place to keep the family fire. A beautiful kitchen will surely bring endless inspiration to housewives. Not only that, the kitchen countertop plays an important role because this is also the place to put a lot of food, from fresh ingredients to cooked food. Food and kitchen utensils have many different temperature ranges, such as a glass of ice cold water or a hot pot bottom. Therefore, many people pay great attention to choosing the right natural or Quartzstone for kitchen countertops.

Should kitchen countertops use natural stone or artificial stone?
Should kitchen countertops use natural stone or Quartz stone?

What is Natural Stone

   Natural stone is a homogeneous mass formed from minerals during the tectonic process of the Earth’s crust over thousands and millions of years and is exploited by man from quarries. In particular, there are two main types of natural stone commonly used for kitchen countertops: granite (Granite) and marble (Marble).
Granite is a transformation lasting hundreds of millions of years of limestone, carbonate rock, dolomite, etc. due to lava flows that melt at very high temperatures and when cooled, they form structures. granite grain crystal structure. Over time, the condensed rock crystals are compressed into beautifully interwoven rock veins.

   Marble (Marble) is crystallized from limestone with the main ingredients being calcium minerals CaCO3, clay, micas, dolomite, pyrite, iron oxide and graphite. From the original carbonate crystal grains, combined with other minerals and strong heat and pressure when buried deep in the ground for a long time… rock is formed which is a block of interlocking calcite crystals. Marble with beautiful natural veins, beautiful shine, should not only be used in interior decoration but also in jewelry, sculpture, …

Should I use natural stone or quartz
Should I use natural stone or quartz

Advantages and disadvantages of natural stone

   The advantage of natural stone is its hardness, heat resistance, external force and weather resistance because it has been tempered for millions of years in nature. That’s why natural stone has a long-lasting durability with years of use.

   The disadvantage of this stone is the high cost, because the demand for human use is increasing while the natural stone source is limited, so the supply is increasingly scarce. Another disadvantage is that the heavy stone weight makes transportation and construction difficult. Each stone pattern is unique, so it is difficult to find similar products when tiling on a large area. Natural stone has no antibacterial ability, causing a great impact on health, so its application should be limited at the locations of kitchen tables, dining tables … where frequent contact with food.

What is Quartz stone?

   Quartz stone is a man-made building material thanks to a mixture of stone powder or natural stone sand with binders, additives, and coloring agents. Depending on the type of aggregate is which stone powder combined with which type of adhesive will produce the corresponding artificial stone. The production process is usually mixing raw materials together, putting them into a vibrator or a hydraulic press to press into sheets, drying, polishing and cutting into finished stone according to standard sizes.
Common types of Quartz stone are:

Kitchen countertops use high quality quartz stone
Kitchen countertops use high quality quartz stone

granite, marble, solid surface, in which quartz-based Quartz stone is the most popular and preferred.

Advantages and disadvantages of Quartz stone

   Quartz stone overcomes many disadvantages of natural stone such as: diverse colors, stone veins, meeting most needs and interior design ideas. Lighter weight, easy for transportation, construction, reasonable price, …
have good waterproofing, scratch resistance, impact resistance and high temperature, especially there are some quartz stones like PhuTai quartz that are antibacterial, safe for users during use. use. That’s why Quartz stone, especially quartz stone, is widely used in interiors, bathroom areas, kitchens…

Is Quartz stone good for kitchen countertops?

   A kitchen space not only needs to be beautiful but also needs to add many factors such as food safety, high temperature resistance, good waterproofing and also easy cleaning. So choosing Quartz stone is a perfect choice.

Mistakes when choosing kitchen tiles to avoid

   Due to the importance of the kitchen in each family, when choosing stone for kitchen countertops, it is necessary to pay close attention and carefully consider the relevant factors to avoid the completion of construction, which will be difficult to repair and expensive. In it, a few mistakes can be avoided such as: choose stones of poor quality, of unclear origin or reputable brands, so after a short time of use, many defects were revealed such as: cracked, broken, difficult to clean easy to get dirty, absorb water, and absorb liquid, leading to bacteria to multiply and develop, causing bad effects on health. not well researched causes two problems: stones are not in sync with the overall design and quality is not satisfactory.

   Both of these things will make homeowners quickly want to replace a new, more suitable stone. and don’t care about usability or resistance to heat, external force, water resistance, antibacterial

   Therefore, whether you decide to use natural stone or artificial stone to cover the kitchen, it is necessary to carefully study and ensure the harmony between needs, financial ability and quality factors that need to be given special attention to make the kitchen It is not only a place to create delicious meals for family bonding, but also a place to ensure health safety for all members.
If you choose PhuTai quartz high-quality quartz-based artificial stone, choose here: Quartz Stone 

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